
Monday, June 19, 2017

Working Registrar shifts this weekend

Yes, that happened this weekend. I had originally a 2-day off, but I had booked a locum shift in Bolton NHS hospital in Neonates. I received a request to work as a registrar within my own trust as they had no one to cover the shifts. I agreed and worked these two days with Dr. Mohammed Ahmed as my consultant. I think it went well. 

The result of my accepting these two shifts will, of course, be good for my wallet, as I will get paid for them. For my work-life balance, though, these two shifts were poorly placed. In fact, I have been doing continuous duties from the 10th of this month. In the week from last Monday to this Sunday, I did nearly 80 hours of work! That is at least 11 hours per day! I feel fatigued. 

However, professionally speaking, the two duties I did will count towards improving my confidence of working as a middle-grade doctor, so I have no regrets. All credit to my head of the department for allowing me this as it is only thanks to him and his other colleagues that I was allowed to work in the capacity of a registrar. 

The best thing about working as a middle grade, though, was the fact that I was working with my own colleagues who were filling in as SHOs while I worked as a middle grade. Their inputs were precious and very useful in making my job look much easier than it probably is. It also helped that the nursing staff was very supportive. There were a few quibbles with my writing down the doses that they thought were "unconventional", but Dr. Ahmed was supportive and helped clear such hurdles.

All in all - a very good pair of days indeed. 

Thank you for reading!

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